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Weekly Reminder 30 January, 2024

Dear BWS Parents/Guardians,

Friday, January 31           Co-ordinated Day (No School Tomorrow)

Sunday, February 2        EY Hot Lunch Orders Due at 12pm How to order guide EY Hot Lunch 

Monday, February 3       Co-ordinated Day (No School)

Tuesday, February 4      School Day Cycle 2 KG Caterpillar Day     

Gym Weekly Will be posted on our website next week.


In the interest of safety for our students we ask that all start/end of day pick up and drop offs be done outside at your child’s assigned location. In the event that you are dropping your child off late please go through the office get an arrival slip and say your “goodbyes” in the foyer.  Further, please inform the classroom teacher ahead of time if you are picking up students early from school so your child can meet you in the office for pick up. All supply or lunch drop offs need to come to the office. Finally, only with permission of Administration should we have parents picking up and dropping off students inside the school at their classroom doors.

  • If your student will be absent from school or arriving late for any reason, please contact the school at 204-958-6532 or email us at bw@retsd.mb.ca. The school voicemail is available for messages 24 hours a day, press #1 to leave a message after hours. Please make sure to clearly state your child’s first and last name when emailing or leaving a phone message.
  • Please advise the school office and transportation, if your student is not taking bus to home.
  • If you are picking up a student early pls email to their homeroom teacher about their pickup time and copy it to office email address. 
  • Families are reminded to call into the office when excusing their child from school.
  • For extenuating circumstances (early pick-up, meetings, etc.), there are a limited number of guest spots available in the parking lot. 
  • Middle years students - Grade 6 students who stay for lunch must remain on school grounds. All other students are encouraged to stay on school grounds during lunch. Those students in Grade 7 & 8 who choose to leave school grounds and go to community stores are expected to return by 11:55. Students who return to school after that time are expected to wait in the outdoor classroom area until 12:25 and then enter the school and head directly to class. Students who are choosing to go home for lunch should only return at 12:25 bell.

Please see the attached Weekly Reminder. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 


BW School

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