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BWS PAC Sausage Makers Fund Raiser

Bernie Wolfe Parent Advisory Council

Kubasa and Pierogi Fundraiser

The Bernie Wolfe Parent Advisory Council (PAC) will be hosting a Kubasa and Pierogi fundraiser to help raise money to support school initiatives. All products are locally sourced at Sausage Makers 630 Narin Ave. The cost of the Kubasa is $12.00 per 1 Ib ring. The Coarse Garlic Sausage is gluten free, no added MSG, no mechanically deboned meat, and contains no by-products. They make them locally at Sausage Makers Delicatessen, in their sausage kitchen and smoke them in their Smokehouses. The perogies are Helen’s Perogies- Potato and Cheddar and $10.00 per 2 kg bag (approx. 65 per bag}. Attached you will find an order form that is due back with the money by Wednesday, March. 26. Pick up will take place in the school Art Room from 4:00-6:00 on Tuesday, April 8th. Families must come to pick up in person. We will not be sending product home with students.

Thank you for supporting our PAC.

Please direct any questions to

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