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IDM Game Jam Weekend

Every year our IDM voc students sacrifice a weekend to create and publish a game in 72 hours... And the tradition seemed to continue even after they leave KEC!

This past weekend, our students learned lots over a fun but stressful period to complete and submit their game entries, they also met and connected with some KEC IDM alumni at the event.
If you see them, please congratulate:
William Duncum
Adam MacDonald
Braeden Manaog                                                                                                                                                                        Ezekiel Melo                                                                                                                                                                        
Logan Moffatt
Emily Perry
Traigen Skoropata

Super job, well done! We are proud!

Mr. Liang Sun -  IDM Teacher

If you wanna check out the games made during the competition click on the links below, you may need to download and extract files. 

KEC Student Submissions


Submissions involving KEC Grads

All Submissions:


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