Our School
Our school was named after Bertrun E. Glavin, a trustee who served the school division from 1952-1972. We are entering our 51th year of service to the Valley Gardens community.
B. E. Glavin is a kindergarten to Grade 5 school with a total of 315 students. The school has a harmonious, multicultural character with over 25 different cultural heritages represented.
We have 42 staff members comprised of professional staff, support staff, clerical staff, numeracy facilitator, custodial staff, and a library technician. We have specialists in music, physical education, library, resource, reading recovery, and counselling.
Bertrun E. Glavin students are included in the planning of and participation in school activities. Our students are involved in leadership, clubs, and extracurricular activities.
School Priorities
The priorities for the 2023-2024 school plan include:
- Literacy - Reading and Writing: Enhance student achievement through authentic and appropriate literacy instruction.
- Safe Schools - Enhance the climate, culture and inclusivity by implementing Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS) at all three tiers (universal, targeted and intensive).
- Numeracy - Enhance student achievement through authentic and appropriate mathematics instruction.
Early Literacy Belief System
At Bertrun E. Glavin We Believe...
- Reading and hearing quality literature positively influences student writing.
- All Students have the potential to write with elaboration, detail and voice and read back their writing.
- Students' writing is essential to support and develop literacy skills.
- Celebrations are essential for students to become better readers and writers.
- The more purposeful reading and writing students do, the better readers and writers they become.
Our Students
Students have a role in communicating our school rules and encouraging safe and fair play. Older students are involved in street and kindergarten patrols. As well, they participate in Cross Grade Reading Buddies and other cross grade activities where appropriate.