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Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton School is an elementary school  located in East St. Paul, Manitoba with classes from kindergarten to Grade 5. Our present enrollment is 229 students. We are committed to providing quality education for all learners in a safe, respectful and supportive environment.

As you move through the pages of our website, you will appreciate the challenge a school has of harmonizing the variety of expectations that come with different children, different families and different backgrounds. Regardless, curriculum, teaching methodologies, rules and regulations at Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton will all focus on:

  • Maintain a safe, responsible and respectful environment
  • Promotion and support of intellectual, physical and social/emotional growth

These goals are consistent with the 91PORN¹Ù·½ School Division’s mission statement which states its commitment "to educating all students to become thoughtful and responsible citizens, through inclusive, innovative practices and relevant curriculum provided by knowledgeable, skilled staff."

To find out more about Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton please see the programs and policy sections on the left or view our school profile. Please do not hesitate to call 204-661-2500 for further information or clarification.

School wide Positive Behaviour

A school wide behaviour plan is central to the educational about-us.9962da1876.jpgprocess.  As a staff we are committed to the delivery of quality programs to all of our students.

Staff have been implementing a school wide Behaviour Matrix, based on our work with one divisional initiative, PBIS (Positive Behaviours Inverventions and Supports). Our focus has been on noticing positive behaviours and celebrating student efforts for the 3 Bs: Be Safe, Be Respectful and Be Responsible. Students meet in classroom groupings, family groups (cross grade level groupings) and in assemblies to discuss the matrix and examples of how we can positively meet expectations for each area. Please ask your child to tell you all about the behaviour matrix and how it is being used at Dr. Hamilton School. If you have questions, feel free to contact  your child’s classroom teacher or Mrs. Reynolds for further details.

We, the staff of Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton School, believe:

  • that children want to take ownership of their learning by having a say in what’s to be learned so that they can become independent,
  • that children need a safe and caring environment where clear expectations, consistency and challenging opportunities help to develop creative and lifelong learners,
  • that Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton School needs to provide a safe, caring environment in order for optimum learning to take place and for every student to grow to their full potential. Children are most successful when there are clear expectations, quality teaching and there is collaboration between home and school,
  • to have the confidence to see themselves as successful lifelong learners, all of which are reached through a safe, caring and positive environment where best teaching practices are used.

Put into practice, these beliefs will foster academic and behavioural success in our students so that they may become independent lifelong learners.  In practice, our beliefs will allow for optimum learning, under the direction of quality teachers, in an environment where students feel they belong.

Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton School has an organized cross-level family group system where all students in kindergarten to Grade 5 are placed in a family group. These family groups meet several times a term. There are many benefits to our mixed grade family groups. The main objective is to foster the sense of community within Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton School through these social learning times. Students learn to work co-operatively with children from all grades and become more empathetic towards each other in other social environments. School wide themes or virtues such as co-operation, empathy, friendship, kindness, respect, fair play and safety, are taught, modelled and practiced in these settings.

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