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German Bilingual / Heritage language

The German Bilingual Program is designed to give all students the opportunity to study in German. They learn to speak, read, and write in German while following the provincial curriculum. In a bilingual heritage language program, the target language (German) is used as the language of instruction for 50% or less of the school day. In kindergarten this may be more than 50% at the discretion of the teacher and school administration. At Donwood, from grades 1 to 5, German instruction is done in German language arts, social studies and health.

Donwood School is a feeder school for Chief Peguis Middle School, where students are offered an expanded German program. Senior years German programming will continue to be school based courses at River East Collegiate. Students who wish to attend REC for school based German courses and are not in the school’s catchment will continue to attend as in-division schools of choice students. These students will be required to complete a letter of intent, when they register for grade 9, that identifies their reason for application as the opportunity to take school based German courses across all four years. 

91PORN¹Ù·½ will continue the current practice of not accepting out-of-division schools of choice students for German programming at all levels, due to increasing enrolment across the division. This practice applies to all levels of German programming as well as other programs across all 91PORN¹Ù·½.

The Bilingual Program at Donwood is viewed as very successful, and it has grown steadily since its inception.

Physical Education

The main goals of the Donwood School physical education program are:

  1. To help students develop an appreciation for physical activity.
  2. To help students reach their potential in the development of their physical skills.


Music education is a developmental and sequential process. Students at the primary and intermediate age, learn by doing. The music program includes multiple components and develops skills and knowledge through: singing, moving to the music, creating music, listening activities, dramatization, playing instruments and reading and writing music.


Donwood has a resource program which works towards the inclusion of all children in our school. Support is given to staff to help plan and implement programming. Specific instruction is given to paraprofessionals who work with the students. We believe a team approach is essential in meeting the diverse needs of our school community.

Reading Recovery

Reading recovery is a temporary intensive literacy intervention strategy for early readers who are "at risk" in beginning reading. It was developed and refined by carefully observing how readers learn to read, and by identifying the successful strategies they use. Reading Recovery was developed by Dr. Marie Clay, an educator and researcher.

Students participate in an intensive daily 30 minute lesson. The instruction builds on individual strengths. Lessons are designed to help the child develop independent, self-extending strategies and to reach the average achievement levels of his/her classmates within 20 weeks. Parents have an important role to play in supporting the Reading Recovery Program.


Counselling services provided at Donwood School address the social emotional and personal needs of the students as well as their need for appropriate academic programming. Support provided may be in individual or group counselling sessions as well as whole class programming. The counsellor, in liaison with classroom teachers and the resource department, consults with outside agencies on an "as needed" basis to support students, classrooms and home.


Donwood volunteers are very special people doing important jobs! They are our liaison between the school and the community. Donwood volunteers work at a variety of tasks throughout the school. Whether our volunteers are filing library books, assisting with field days or reading with individual students or creating student materials, they are valued members of our school team. All volunteers must complete a Child Abuse Registry check prior to volunteering in the school. These forms are available in the school office and require you to produce identification to office staff.

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