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Kindergarten Registration 2025 - 2026 begins March 3, 2025, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Registration starts Monday, March 3, 2025, BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, and continues through the month. Appointment times will be booked for between 10:10 am to 11:10 am & between 1 pm to 2:20 pm. If you arrive without booking an appointment, you will have to return at the next available appointment time.

Please print and fill out the forms before arriving for your scheduled registration appointment at John de Graff.

To book at appointment to register, please call 204-669-1280.

Please find the registration package for your child to be registered for the 2025-26 school year under Documents & Forms > Registrations, on our website.


 ? Two Pieces Proof of Residency: Please note that two of these are required:  Driver’s License - Manitoba Health Card - Tenancy agreement (duly signed) - Offer to purchase documents (completed with signatures) - Utility bill (name and corresponding address)

 ? Proof of Age if new to the division or registering for kindergarten (one piece): Please note your child must be turning 5 prior to Dec 31st, 2025, to register for kindergarten - Birth Certificate - Baptismal Certificate - Passport - Treaty Card - Certificate of Birth registration, signed by Director of Vital Statistics - MB medical may be accepted if unable to provide any of the above There can be no exceptions to this required identification for your child to be registered, please bring these documents when you come to register.

 YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR CHILD AT THEIR DESIGNATED SCHOOL. If you wish your child to attend a school outside of your designated area, please include a “school of choice” form with your registration.

Transportation is available for students who reside more than 1.6 km from the school. If your child qualifies, we ask that a transportation form be handed in with the registration as well. If your child qualifies but you do not want transportation at this time, please write “not required” on the form.

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