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Early Numeracy Intervention Project (ENIP)

John de Graff School participates in this divisional project.

The purpose of the project is to enhance Kindergarten and Grade 1 children’s interest and understanding of numeracy.

All children in kindergarten and Grade 1 receive numeracy assessment at the beginning of the year, followed by group work and individual work with the early numeracy facilitator.

The early numeracy facilitator and the classroom teacher plan interesting learning activities for children to develop numeracy skills. New math learning activities and games are being introduced regularly.

Regie Routman Writing Project

John de Graff School is participating in this project with support from the division. This project supports the writing priority of our school plan. The goal of the program is the establishment of an effective learning community for teachers that leads to engaging literacy activities and improvement in literacy outcomes for our students. All students, kindergarten to Grade 5, participate in writing in blocks of time and connecting reading and writing throughout the day. This quality writing includes journal writing, shared writing, poetry writing, writing with voice, writing with description and detail, revising and editing, embedding skills instruction in meaningful contexts and learning current grammar and spelling.

Students are accountable for writing, participating in writing conferences, participating in setting and using criteria for writing and in editing their work.

Sustainable Development Project

The John de Graff work in sustainable development has been developing over the past three years and is ongoing. This has included classroom projects, assemblies, slide shows, art, and taking care of others and our community in various ways. We also support several worldwide projects. Some examples are:

  • Collecting drink can tabs to purchase a wheelchair for a student
  • Saying “No to Styrofoam”
  • Recycling and the “John de Graff Green Team”
  • Reusing plastic bags and other materials
  • Art projects using recycled material and connections to Arts Junktion
  • Supporting UNICEF, the Terry Fox Walk, Project Love and Winnipeg Harvest
  • Projects to contribute to Siloam Mission
  • Healthy living campaigns and activities

Our motto is “Know the Way, Go the Way, Show the Way” from John C. Maxwell.

Art in the School

Art is an integral component of our learning. This will be further enhanced with the new Manitoba education art curriculum framework for the arts education.  Every year, artists are invited to work with our students. This work includes visual arts and music, and drama and dance.

Artistic expression is valued and the development of art language, understanding and use of different tools and medium is developed.

Student work in the arts is display in the hallway, classrooms and at assemblies and concerts.

Projects often include connections between different disciplines, and the use of technology.

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