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Welcome to our school library

Welcome to the library and to our program of information literacy. We believe that every student should have the skills necessary to navigate in today's information-rich society. Determining information needs, recognizing and selecting appropriate resources - whether print or online and managing the information are fundamental skills needed for successful academic research.


  • Mrs. K. Borgford (teacher-librarian)
  • Mrs. L. Hepworth (library technician)

Library Hours

9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Lending Policies

  • Borrowing Period - 1 school day cycle
  • Number of sign outs - Kindergarten & Grade 1 - 1 book/cycle; Grades 2-5 - 2 books/cycle (up to 4 for projects)
  • Renewals - up to 2 times
  • Overdues - no charge
  • Lost Books - $5.00 for paperback novels, $10.00 for hardcover and replacement price for new books

Program Description

The Teacher-Librarian collaborates with classroom teachers to plan, teach and assess units of study according to the curriculum for their grades.  The Manitoba Education document Literacy with Information Communication Technology Across the Curriculum, or LwICT is implemented in the units.  Students are taught how to use technology in various ways to gather information that answers their inquiry and also to present their findings.  All classes, Grades 1-5 complete two or three projects a year with the Teacher-Librarian.  Information literacy skills are taught while they research their topics.  Both the information literacy skills and the technology skills are essential life skills for a successful future.

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