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“Standards for Student Services,” a section of The Public Schools Act, requires schools to provide accessibility information to parents new to the school division. 

At Lord Wolseley School, all 3 floors are fully accessible by our lift and elevator.  The lift is located at the base of the stairs through the main doors of the school.  It allows for access to the gym and library, the main floor and office.    The elevator doors are located in the middle of the north side, back of the school.  With access to the elevator, you will be able to reach the basement, main floor and office, and the upper floor.  Although outside access to the elevator is limited during the school day, the main doors to the school are open all day.  

The play structure at Lord Wolseley School has a ramp that allows for wheel chair accessibility.  Most of our playground is paved, making it accessible to all students. 

Lord Wolseley School has one handicapped parking spot.  It is the first parking stall when entering the parking lot.

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