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    Assists young people (16–24 years) in finding employment by offering training information and referrals, employment counselling and job search assistance.

    305-310 Donald St.

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    Addictions Foundation of Manitoba offers an onsite counsellor in several 91PORN¹Ù·½ schools. Counsellors are available to support students as well as provide alcohol/ drug prevention and education to students, staff, parents and community members.
    MMCI (Mondays & Thursdays)
    Jeremy Hennessey

    We are pleased to announce a new online resource for students with psychiatric disabilities. Your Education— Your Future: a guide to college and university for students with psychiatric disabilities is a comprehensive resource for Canadian students providing information on all aspects of post-secondary education.

    Centralized Intake—Child and Adolescent Mental Health Program will do an initial intake assessment and make referrals to an appropriate service:

    • Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre provides a range of counselling services, including individual counselling, day treatment programs and/or intensive hospitalized treatment.

    • Health Sciences Centre provides services such as in-patient treatment, intensive crisis out-patient treatment, crisis emergency services, and autism and eating disorders programs.

    • St. Boniface Hospital provides the Adolescent and Child Collaborative Community Intervention Service, and Tourette Syndrome and anxiety disorders clinics.

    Parents may make referrals to Centralized Intake—from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. No cost involved.

    848 William Ave.

    Student Services Clinical Unit

    Clinicians support MMCI students, offering psychology, social work and speech therapy. If you feel your son or daughter could benefit from these services, please contact a counsellor or call SSCU.
    Polson School    

    Klinic offers counselling services, and suicide and crisis intervention.

    786-8686 (24-hour crisis line), 786-8631 (24-hour sexual assault counselling), 784-4059 (counselling intake).
    870 Portage Ave.

    • Free
    • Tuesdays, 12–7 p.m.
    • First come, first seen basis— no appointments required
    • Typically a one-time counselling session—however can provide short-term follow-up with a maximum of six sessions

    Transcona Access Centre (Regent and Plessis)

    • For youth (under age 18) and their families
    • Available 24 hours/7 days a week
    • Provide telephone counselling
    • Dispatch mobile crisis team
    • Referrals to other community resources
    • Referrals to brief treatment team—offer individual and family counselling
    • Short-term and solution-focused
    • No cost for mobile crisis or brief treatment teams

    Mobile crisis: 949-4777    


    Donna Jervais

    Offers courses on (call to register):

    •Effective Parenting for Teens
    •Developing Capable People
    •Study Skills
    •Angry Teenagers: Helping Parents Cope
    •Anger Management Groups for Teens

    Lower Level, 800 Point Rd., Winnipeg

    Provides mandate child welfare services to families with children under 18.

    Courses On:

    • Anger Management for Parents
    • How to Talk So Kids Will Listen—How to Listen So Kids Will Talk

    Intake: 944-4200. To register for courses, 944-4357

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    Helps you plan and pay for your education

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    Operates a 24-hour, toll-free counselling service for troubled children and youth, providing emotional supports, counselling, information and referrals

    The high school years can be a difficult time for many people. For adolescents who are struggling with mental health problems or mental illness, this period is particularly challenging. Yet, it also represents an opportunity for young people to get the necessary support at the earliest possible stage, thereby maximizing the potential for a successful outcome. Please check out the new website for additional information



    Donna Jervais

    Provides mandate child welfare services to families with children under 18
    Intake: 944-4200


    Provides medical and health services for women. Operates a teen clinic on Thursdays, 4–9 p.m.
    419 Graham Ave.


    Provides prevention treatment and rehabilitation for people with problems involving misuse of alcohol, drugs and other chemical substances, or with gambling.
    MMCI - Tuesday/Thursday
    Candace Burke

    Klinic offers counselling services, and suicide and crisis intervention.
    786-8686 (24-hour crisis line), 786-8631 (24-hour sexual assault counselling), 784-4059 (counselling intake)
    870 Portage Ave.

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