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About Our School

Prince Edward School is an early year’s school in 91PORN¹Ù·½ School Division with grades kindergarten to grade 5.  The school has been educating children in the area for 100 years and has historical and well established traditions that distinguishes us as a special place in the East Kildonan community. The original school motto, “No deed of mine will ever bring dishonor to this school” reflects the spirit evidenced by the many multi-generation families continuing to live in the area that send or have sent their children to Prince Edward.

A tradition of caring and sharing continues to define our community. Our magnificent red brick building has seen many structural changes but the one piece that has remained the same is that core belief in children and their ability to become good citizens. Witness to this is the many students who have walked our hallways and gone on to lives that exemplify this tradition.   We are a true community school, offering programs for all ages and welcoming community members into our building.  An important part of Prince Edward School is our House League Program.  Each student is placed in each of four coloured house teams.  During their stay at Prince Edward they will stay in that particular house team.  Points are collected based on the amount each house team participates in school activities.  This encourages participation and healthy lifestyle for our students. 

Children participating in the Prince Edward Community learn not only curricular subjects but also skills to equip themselves to take advantage of life’s opportunities. Prince Edward School offers these programs: academics, Reading Recovery, Early Numeracy, basic French (grades 4-5) art, library, music and physical education.

Within our school we also have Little Voyageurs Nursery School and Before and After Programs; Lunch Program; and a Breakfast Program.   

Our Mission

Prince Edward School with the support of our community is committed to providing quality education for all learners through best teaching practices and appropriate learning opportunities in a supportive, safe and challenging environment.

School Hours

Prince Edward School operates on a six-day cycle rather than a Monday to Friday schedule. Teacher in-service days are counted on the cycle; holidays are not.

School Bells

  • 8:55 a.m. - Students enter the school
  • 9:00 a.m. - Opening exercises
  • 10:20 - 10:35 a.m. - Morning recess
  • 11:45 - Dismissal for lunch
  • 12:45 - Afternoon classes begin
  • 2:00 - 2:15 - Afternoon recess
  • 3:25 - Patrol bell
  • 3:30 - Dismissal

We would ask that students arrive no earlier than 8:45 a.m. and 12:35 p.m. Staff will not be available for playground supervision prior to these times.

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