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Student Support Programs

Resource/Special Education Resource Programs

The goal of the resource programs is to assist the classroom teachers in the development of the most appropriate learning environment for each student, ensuring diagnosis, prescription, instruction and evaluation. The resource programs serve three major functions: The learning needs of students are met and the classroom teacher is supported and assisted in meeting those needs by:

  1. Consultation and assessment of the needs of the students by diagnosing and monitoring student academic and social emotional progress.
  2. Collaboration: working with staff to share ideas to plan and assist in the implementation of effective strategies for students.
  3. Direct service: teaching groups of students for program enrichment, to provide programming for students with difficulties, or to provide remediation for severe learning difficulties requiring long term involvement.

Reading Recovery™

The Reading Recovery™ program is an early intervention program for six year old children in most elementary schools. It is an intensive short-term reading and writing program that is taught one to one for 30 minutes per day by our Reading Recovery™ teacher.


This is an early intervention program open to all kindergarten and Grade 1 children. A trained early numeracy intervention individual works with individuals or groups of children on constructing mathematical understanding.

Leadership Programs

Student leadership programs are a top priority and a high point for students at Prince Edward School. There are many leadership groups in the school, which are open to students at Grade 4, 5 & 6 levels. These students are school patrols, house league assistants, and office assistants, to name a few. The students are trained and monitored regularly by staff.

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