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Polson School

Polson School is committed to providing a safe, stimulating and cooperative learning environment, which fosters the academic, social, emotional and physical development of all individuals in order to achieve their maximum potential.

Polson School is an elementary school located in 91PORN¹Ù·½ School Division. We offer instruction for students in kindergarten to Grade 5. The school year provides an opportunity for all students to continue to develop academic skills and provide positive social experiences. At Polson School we believe that:

  1. All children want to succeed and have a desire to learn.
  2. All children are entitled to a successful school experience.
  3. Children differ in their interests and their needs
  4. Each child has a unique learning rate and style
  5. In helping others, children understand themselves, their peers, and their relationship to society.
  6. In helping others, children realize their responsibility to themselves, their family, peers and their school.

History of Polson School

Technically, at 101 years old, Polson School is the oldest school in East Kildonan.

Although the present Polson School opened in 1953, the original Polson School was built in 1910 across the street on the site of the present day Holy Eurcharist Hall and parking lot. The original Polson School existed from 1910 to 1960. Since the present Polson School was built in 1953, for a period of seven years there were two elementary schools across the street from each other. The vote to build the new school carried 38-0 in favor and $13000 was budgeted, including the $2000 for the land. Peter McCalman was contracted to construct the new school which was to be named Munroe School. The original building sold for $62, 295 to Watt and Janzen Builders who intended to put in three apartment blocks. The maintenance department of the school division was housed in the old Polson building until it was sold. In 1960 an addition was put on the present day Polson School so the original Polson School could be closed. The school division voted to change the name from Munroe School back to Polson that same year to avoid confusion with the new Munroe Junior High that was built in 1958 and to preserve the Polson name.

History of the Polson Name

Hugh Polson (1806-1887), farmer.

Born in Scotland on 26 March 1806, a son of, an original Selkirk Settler, he was nine years old when he arrived in Manitoba in 1815. Upon completion of his education, Hugh assumed co-ownership of his father’s farm. Their property, which extended from the Red River, was 669 feet wide and over 2 miles deep. For over 40 years, Polson’s home was on the site now occupied by Luxton School. He built a windmill on his property, patterned after one imported by the , to grind his grain to make flour. He also constructed mills for other settlers. He met with considerable success in farming and business. Toward the end of his life he sold most of his property. He married Janet Henderson, a sister of John Henderson. They had two sons, and . He died on 27 February 1887, aged 81 years, and was buried in Kildonan Cemetery. He is commemorated by in Winnipeg.

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