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The Arts: Art and Band

The Arts

The Arts programs at Robert Andrews allow students to express themselves and explore ideas in safe, constructive environments. Students will experience various methods of creativity, and learn valuable skills such as collaboration and responsibility as they learn to master their craft.

Students will follow one path through Band or Visual Arts for their time at Robert Andrews.

Visual Arts

The overall goal of the Visual Arts curriculum is to support, nurture and inspire growth of every student as a young artist and as an artful learner.

Our Robert Andrews visual artists explore the four areas of Visual Arts Education:

  • Art Language and Tools
  • Creative Expression in Art
  • Understanding Art in Context
  • Valuing Artistic Experience

This exploration is done with the understanding that the individual visual artist is at the core of this program which allows for personalized learning and growth.

Robert Andrews student artist will become more artistically literate and be able to connect creative art making with skill development and technical knowledge. There will be a broadening of cultural and historical understanding of art and the Masters and where do they, as student artists, fit into the big picture of art history. There will be ongoing opportunities for reflection and critical thinking in assessing their own art as well as the Masters and professional artists' work.

Robert Andrews student artists work through many forms of problem-solving assignments in the creation of their own artwork in three main areas: drawing, painting and sculpture. Their idea book work is essential for their own skill development and creativity as well as collecting ideas for future projects.

Student artists may choose to compete in various art competitions such as The Royal Canadian Legion Poster contest and the Red River Exhibition juried show.

This program is designed to assist the student artist to continue on a personalized, lifelong journey of growth and transformation through visual arts education.


The overall goal of the music curriculum is to support, nurture and inspire the growth of every student as a young musician and as an artful learner.

Our Robert Andrews musicians explore the four areas of Music Education:

  • Language and Performance Skills
  • Creative Expression in Music
  • Knowledge and Understanding of Music in Culture and Society
  • Analysis and Communication

This exploration is done with the understanding that each individual musician is an important, contributing member of the band. Excellence and growth on the instrument will be established through a mix of individual and personalized instruction, in addition to the collaborative efforts of the band as a whole.

Robert Andrews musicians will become more musically literate and be able to connect creative music making with skill development and technical knowledge. Students will learn many lifelong, 21st century skills, including collaboration, communication, self-assessment and responsibility. There will be ongoing opportunities for reflection and critical thinking while engaging in meaningful music making endeavors, including community oriented performances.

The philosophy of the Robert Andrews band program involves mastery of the instrument as a tool for further musical and social development. Students will play many pieces throughout the year, which develops reading skills, in addition to exposing them to many varied forms and genres of exciting music. No previous musical experience is necessary.  

Primary opportunities for performance include the Christmas Concert, Spring Concert, Optimist Festival, Level One Band Festival, and the 91PORN¹Ù·½ Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra Divisional Honour Band.

This program is designed to assist and encourage the student musician to continue on a personalized, lifelong journey of growth and transformation through music education.

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