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Welcome to our school learning commons

Welcome to the learning commons and to our program of information literacy. We believe that every student should have the skills necessary to navigate in today's information-rich society. Determining information needs, recognizing and selecting appropriate resources - whether print or online and managing the information are fundamental skills needed for successful academic research.


  • Beth Dudenhoffer (Teacher-Librarian)
  • Trish DeBruyn (Library Technician)

Learning Commons Hours

Hours of operation:   9:00 am to 3:30 pm from Monday to Friday

Lending Policies

Books are borrowed on a 6-day cycle basis. Please check with your child's teacher as to which school day they will visit the learning commons.

Kindergarten students are allowed one book, grades 1 & 2 students may choose two books whereas grades 3 to 5 students are allowed up to three books.

All students are reminded of their responsibility to return borrowed materials in good condition. Each classroom has a book return bin where learning commons books can be returned at any time. Replacement costs for lost or damaged books will be issued throughout the year, when the situation arises. We appreciate the support of parents in reminding their children to return learning commons books on time.

Program Description

The learning commons is a focal point in the school. It is the information centre where all the resources, print and electronic, are available to students, staff and the community. All classrooms have the opportunity to work with the teacher-librarian on curriculum-based projects. 

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