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School Profile

Angus McKay is a single-track school with a student population of approximately 120. We have six classrooms, one for each grade, Kindergarten to Grade Five. Our teaching staff also includes specialist teachers. We have two half-time Resource Teachers working collaboratively with our staff to plan for student success, which includes supporting students with Adapted and Individual Education Plans. Our resource teachers also assist with the coordination of divisional supports and our Student Service Clinical Unit. Our Teacher-Librarian works with classroom teachers to plan units of study that target specific learning outcomes. She also facilitates a Maker Space where students can explore and create design projects based on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) concepts. Our Physical Education teacher provides our students with a balanced program aimed at developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes for a physically active and healthy lifestyle. Our Music Teacher provides students with the opportunity not only to appreciate music but also to represent their learning through drama and movement as well as vocal and instrumental instruction. Our Music Teacher works with classroom teachers as well, to provide enrichment through the arts. We believe in an active student voice and are proud of the many leadership opportunities we are establishing for our students. Angus McKay also houses a Nursery School that runs independently but uses our facility. It holds two half-day classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for three and four year-olds. 

Caring, Connection and Community

Caring, connection and community are words to describe the vision for us at Angus McKay. An atmosphere of caring is important and serves a function; it creates social bonds that allow for commitment of purpose. Having connection to school improvement decisions allows staff, students and community to identify with the improvements. Developing community suggests an organization where staff and community work together to positively affect student achievement.

With the help of the Community School Association (parent advisory council), Angus McKay has a history of providing quality education in a manner that has strong connections to its community. The staff at Angus McKay School feel valued as educators because of the tremendous level of support it receives from parents, the 91PORN¹Ù·½ School Division and Manitoba Education. Because of this support, the students at Angus McKay School are the benefactors.

You can follow us on Twitter at @am_91PORN¹Ù·½

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