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School Hours

Angus McKay operates on a six-day cycle. Days are designated 1-6 and do not follow the calendar days of the week. Teachers' Professional Learning Days are counted on the cycle, statutory holidays are not.

8:55 AMEntry
9 AMOpening exercises
10:15 - 10:30 AMMorning recess
11:45 AMDismissal for lunch
12:45 PMEntry
2:00 - 2:15Afternoon recess
3:30 PMEnd of day dismissal

School office hours are from 8:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.  If phoning outside school office hours, a message can be left on the school’s answering machine.

Appointments/Picking up your child/Dismissal arrangements

Parents are asked to make appointments for their children outside of school hours as much as possible. Students who must leave school early for medical, dental appointments, etc. are required to bring a note from a parent/guardian to their classroom teacher. Parents picking up their child for an appointment during the school day are asked to report to the office and we will have your child come to the office to meet you. Please keep dismissal time arrangements as routine as possible. Should a change be necessary, send a written note to the teacher or call the school office. If someone other than the parent or guardian is picking up the child, notify the school with the name and relation to the child.

Community Connection

Angus McKay believes in a strong connection between school, home and community. We encourage family participation in your child’s education.

Concern Protocol

From time-to-time, parents/guardians may have questions or concerns about decisions made by school personnel. The following divisional process is to be followed to ensure effective and efficient communication between school personnel and parents/guardians.

The first step is to contact the school personnel directly involved (the classroom or specialist teacher) and ask to speak to him/her or arrange a meeting to discuss your concern or question. If you require further support, please contact the principal. If you contact the principal, you will first be referred to step one. If, after speaking with the teacher and the principal, you require further assistance, you would contact the superintendent and finally the board of trustees.

Division Personnel

Superintendent - Sandra Herbst
Secretary-Treasurer - Elise Downey
Assistant Superintendents of Schools - Karen Boyd, Jason Drysdale, Mark Bruce
Assistant Superintendent of Student Services - Tammy Mitchell

Professional Learning/Early Dismissal Days

Staff will be involved in various professional learning days considered priorities by our school and school division. There will be no school for students on these days. Please see the website calendar and watch our ememos for these dates. On the last day of school before Winter Break and the last day of school in June, students will be dismissed one hour early at 2:30 p.m.  

Entry and Dismissal

Supervision occurs from 8:45-8:55 a.m. For safety reasons, students should not arrive at school before 8:45 a.m. For your child's safety, we ask that children who go home for lunch do not return to school until staff supervision begins outdoors at 12:35.  All students are expected to wait outside until the bell rings. During the winter, if the temperature with wind chill is -27 or below, students will be asked to come inside by school personnel to wait for the bell. Our bells for entry ring at 8:55 a.m. and 12:45 p.m. 

At the bell, students are expected to enter in a quiet, orderly fashion, hang their outer clothing neatly in their designated coat areas and proceed quietly to their class. 

At 11:45 and 3:30 p.m., students are expected to leave the building quickly and quietly through the assigned exits and go straight home or to the arranged caregiver. Students are allowed to remain in school after dismissal times only if (a) requested to stay by their teacher or (b) participating in an extracurricular activity. In such cases, they are required to take their outdoor clothing to the activity. They will be dismissed directly from the activity. Classrooms are not accessible after dismissal.

In the best interest of your child's safety, no child will be kept in after 11:45 or 3:30 p.m. unless a parent, guardian or caregiver has received prior notification or a phone call on that day.

Entrance for extracurricular events: Children who are coming to school for extra-curricular activities before school hours should come into the school and meet the supervising teacher in the designated area.

Assessment, Report Cards and Parent Conferences

Assessment of student achievement in all subjects is administered on a continuous basis throughout the year, using a variety of sources ( e.g., daily assignments, projects, classroom observations and conversations, self and peer assessment as well as tests/quizzes). The achievements reflected on the report card are a summary of the progress made during the reporting period. Report card marks represent the subject marks for each term. Students in K-5 are evaluated on a scale of 1-4.

Angus McKay students will receive a report card three times during the school year (November, March and June). Student Led Conferences will take place prior to the November and March reports being published in the online portal. Conferences outside of these times can be arranged by request.

Family Courier

In order to conserve paper, Angus McKay has a family courier system to deliver correspondence between school and home. The designated courier is the youngest child in each family.

Information will also be communicated via email.

Field Trips and Consent Forms

Student participation in the curriculum-linked out-of-school excursions that take place throughout the year is encouraged. A division required consent form will be sent home prior to the event, listing all the details. Written parental consent on the school consent form is required in order for the student to participate. 

Kindergarten Registration

Registrations are accepted each year in early March for the following school year. Students must be five years of age on or before December 31st of the year in which they register. When registering please bring in the following:

  1. Birth Certificate OR Baptismal Certificate OR Treaty Card OR Passport
  2. Manitoba Medical Number (9 digit)
  3. Two pieces of identification showing proof of residency
  4. Proof of Guardianship if required (child in care, voluntary placement agreement, etc.)

Kindergarten Pickups

All Kindergarten students are required to be picked up by a designated person at dismissal time. If the designated pickup should change at any time, please notify the school as to whom will be accompanying your child home.

Lunch Program

Angus McKay School has a paid lunch program.

All students will be eating their lunch from 11:45 am - 12:15 p.m., then going outside unless there is inclement weather that warrants remaining indoors.


Our Newsletters are available online every two months.  The purpose of our Newsletter is to keep you informed as to what is happening in the school, important events, and to profile special events of our school.  Please sign up online to receive our newsletter. Current information is available on our school website under "announcements" and is updated on a regular basis.

Student Information

The school updates student files each September. Each student receives an information form to be updated early in the new school year. Please notify the school of any change of address, sitter or emergency contact as soon as possible.

Any information that the school has about your son/daughter is available to you, to our school personnel or division personnel. It is not available to other agencies without your permission. Both parents have equal rights to information about their child unless the school has a court order restraining one parent from access to information. Copies of any judicial court order regarding custody of children must be given to the school if you wish for us to comply with the order.

Telephone Numbers

Angus McKay School - 204-661-2378
91PORN¹Ù·½ Administration Offices - 204-667-7130
Keith Morrison (School Trustee) - 204-795-3357
Brianne Goertzen (School Trustee) - 204-955-6782

Library Books

We ask for your co-operation in teaching your children to be responsible with the books they take home by looking after the books and returning them on time so that other children may use them. In some cases, it may be necessary for the school to charge replacement costs for lost or damaged books.


Students are not permitted to bring personal technology such as iPods, iPads, and cell phones to school. The school cannot be responsible for valuable items such as these.

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