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School Hours

School operates on a six-day cycle as follows:

a.m. entry bell........................8:55am
morning announcements.......9:03am
classes begin........................ 9:20am
a.m. recess............................10:30am - 10:45am

lunch recess...........................11:55am - 12:25pm
lunch ......................................12:25pm - 12:45pm

p.m. entry bell.......................12:55pm
p.m. recess............................  2:05pm - 2:20pm
p.m. dismissal........................  3:30pm


This service is designed to ensure your child's safety. If your child is going to be absent or late arriving to school, please notify the school in advance (prior to 9:00am) by calling the school at 204-663-5078 and leaving a message on the answering machine. If the school has not received prior notification of your child's absence, you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Assessment and Reporting

Assessment is an ongoing process that supports learning on a daily basis in our classrooms. Report cards are sent out in November, March, and June. Parents/guardians are invited to parent/student/teacher conferences at these times to discuss their child’s progress and celebrate success.

Before and After School Care

Skipper’s Scholars, a before and after school program, provides daily care for École Springfield Heights School students between the hours of 7:00 and 9:00am and 3:30 and 6:00pm. For information on options of care, program fees and registration, call Skipper’s Scholars at 204-396-4203.

Child Custody Documents

If there is a court order that limits the rights of one parent regarding custody or visitations, please submit the original Court of Queen's Bench order to the office so that a copy can be made for reference. Unless this is done, access to either parent cannot be denied. Please notify the office of any changes.

Late Slips

Students who arrive late to school are required to report to the office for a late slip before going to class.

Lost & Found

The lost and found is located in front of the office near the front doors. Please feel free to check it for articles, which may belong to your child. Items not claimed at the end of December, March and June will be donated to a local thrift shop. Please label your child’s clothing and belongings to assist in a prompt return if misplaced.

Lunch Program

ÉSHS has a user-pay lunch program. The program provides a safe, supervised environment during the lunch period on a not-for-profit basis, within the policies and guidelines of both 91PORN¹Ù·½ School Division and ÉSHS.

Students are not allowed to leave school property unless accompanied by parent(s) or guardian(s). Supervision is provided to ensure safety for students who remain at school for lunch.

Milk Program

You have the option of purchasing milk to accompany your child's lunch from October to May. Milk cards are available for purchase in the school office. 

Parent Association

The parent association is an opportunity for parents/guardians to be involved in their children’s education and be informed about school issues. It is made up of a parent executive, parents, a staff representative and the school administrator who meet informally once a month at 6:30pm in the library during the school year. The goals of the association are to work with the school to:

  • Promote parental involvement in educational issues and decisions
  • Organize activities/fundraisers that support the school
  • Promote a positive family/school/community relationship

Open House

Each September we host an open house for parent(s)/guardian(s) so that you may be introduced to staff and visit your child's classroom. This evening is designed to give you an overview of the classroom program as well as to provide an opportunity for questions regarding school topics.

Parking Lot

The school parking lot is reserved for staff use only. You may park on Kingsford Ave. or Mark Pearce Ave. Please do not drop off or pick-up your child(ren) in the parking lot as it is unsafe. You may drop-off or pick-up your child(ren) on Sharron Bay, past the front of the school (beyond the orange cones) or at the walkways from the playground on Kingsford Ave. or Mark Pearce Ave.


Students have a 15 minute recess in the morning and in the afternoon. The morning recess is from 10:30 am to 10:45 am. The afternoon recess is from 2:05pm to 2:20pm.  Students are expected to come dressed for outdoor weather, so that they can enjoy these breaks.

Student Records

Please keep the school up to date by informing us of any changes in business, home, sitter or emergency phone numbers and/or addresses.


Visitors to the school are required to report to the school office first where a sign-in /sign-out log is kept. All volunteers are asked to wear a volunteer badge.

Lockdown, Hold and Secure Information for Schools

Your son/daughter's safety is very important to us. We have policies and procedures in place at both the divisional and school level to support their safety. In the last several months our school division has been working with the Winnipeg Police Service, (as well as referencing materials from the RCMP and Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning), in order to review and strengthen the procedures we have in place to protect students and staff in the event of a safety threat at school. We would like to share details of these updated procedures with you now.

Safety procedures now fall into two categories: Hold and Secure, and Lockdown.

Hold and Secure will be activated if there is a potential threat outside the school. In these situations, the police typically contact the school and direct the school to go into Hold and Secure. When there is no longer a threat outside the school building, the police inform us that we can resume regular activities.

If our school is in Hold and Secure, the following procedures will apply:

  • All exterior doors will be locked.
  • NO ENTRY signs will be placed on each door.
  • No one will be permitted to leave or enter the school until school administration announces that Hold and Secure is over.

Lockdown will be activated if there is a potential threat inside the school building. If the school is in Lockdown, the following procedures will apply:

  • All students and staff will proceed to the nearest classroom or office.
  • All doors to classrooms and offices will be locked and/or barricaded by the supervising adult.
  • Students will be kept away from windows and doors and instructed to remain silent and still.
  • No one will be permitted to leave their room until the Lockdown is over.

Effective September 1, 2015, all schools in 91PORN¹Ù·½ are required to hold at least two Lockdown and one Hold and Secure practice drills each school year. The purpose of the drills is to provide training for staff and students, so everyone knows what to do in the event of a safety threat. Everyone in the school building will participate in these drills. Students, staff, and parents will be informed in advance of these practice drills. 

If your son/daughter arrives at school during a Hold and Secure or Lockdown procedure, he or she must proceed to the school evacuation site, sign in and remain there until directed otherwise by administration or police. The evacuation site for your son/daughter's school is: North Kildonan Community Center, 1144 Kingsford Pl, Winnipeg, MB (204) 663-5028.

If you arrive at the school during a Hold and Secure or Lockdown, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ENTER THE SCHOOL. Instead, please proceed to the parent/guardian information site where divisional personnel will be available to assist you. The parent information site for your son/daughter's school is: North Kildonan Community Center, 1144 Kingsford Pl, Winnipeg, MB (204) 663-5028.

If you hear about a serious emergency at your son/daughter's school through media reports or other means, DO NOT PROCEED TO THE SCHOOL. Instead, proceed immediately to the parent information site identified above.

Please DO NOT CALL YOUR SON/DAUGHTER'S CELL PHONE during an emergency, particularly in a Lockdown situation where it is critical to remain silent and still and not draw attention from any threat makers that may be in the building

If you would like to read more information about safety policies in 91PORN¹Ù·½, please visit¹Ù·½/Policies and scroll to Section E: Support Services. 

If you have any questions about the procedures described above, please feel free to contact our principal or our vice-principal at the school.

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