Welcome to our school library 
Welcome to the library and to our program of information literacy. We believe that every student should have the skills necessary to navigate in today's information-rich society. Determining information needs, recognizing and selecting appropriate resources - whether print or online and managing the information are fundamental skills needed for successful academic research.
- Dinah Guillou (Teacher-Librarian)
- Adrienne Zaborniak (Library Tech)
Library Hours
Hours of operation: 9:00 am to 3:30 pm from Monday to Friday
Lending Policies
- Borrowing Period: One school cycle.
- Number of Sign Outs: Three books may be borrowed at a time (as long as due dates are met).
- Renewals: Materials may be renewed only once.
- Overdues: If one book is overdue the student can only can only borrow two books. If the student has two overdue books the student may only borrow one book. If three books are overdue no book can be borrowed.
- Lost/Damaged Books: All students are reminded of their responsibility to return borrowed materials in good condition on their library day. Replacement costs for damaged books will be issued throughout the year, when the situation arises. If a lost book is found and returned, the money will be refunded. During June inventory, students with books, which are still outstanding or lost, will receive a letter requesting replacement costs. We appreciate the support of parents in reminding their children to return library books on time..
Program Description
Each homeroom is scheduled for library once every 6-day cycle. During this class, students are introduced to a variety of literature and then spend time searching for, selecting and then signing out books.
Throughout the year, each homeroom takes part in at least one inquiry-based learning (IBL) unit which is collaboratively planned and taught by the teacher-librarian and the classroom teacher. The units are curriculum-based and reinforce writing, thinking and research skills while using print and non-print resources and technology in meaningful ways. These curriculum-based projects are taught according to the inquiry-based learning model described by Manitoba Education and the Literacy with Information Communication Technology Across the Curriculum, or LwICT.