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For the 2025-26 school year the following boundary changes will take effect.
English Program Boundaries for Bird's Hill School and Dr. F.W.L. Hamilton School
The boundaries being used to determine who will be attending classes at Dr. Hamilton are:
  • Anyone north of Twin Creek Drive (3614 Mowat), on Mowat or Bird's Hill Road, will be attending Dr. Hamilton.
  • For those living on Bird's Hill Road, anyone north of and including 3543 Birds Hill Rd. will be going to Dr. Hamilton.
  • Residents north of and including 3578 Rebeck Rd. will attend Dr. Hamilton
  • Those living south of these locations will attend Bird's Hill
English and French Immersion Boundaries 6-8 Robert Andrews Middle School
  • The boundaries for both English and French Immersion at Robert Andrews will be Rebeck Road and Church Road to the north, the Perimeter Highway to the south, the Red River to the West, and Garven Road and Waugh Road to the East.
French Immersion Boundaries K-5 Bird's Hill School
  • The boundaries for French Immersion at Bird's Hill will be Rebeck Road and Church Road to the north, the Perimeter Highway to the south, the Red River to the West, and Garven Road and Waugh Road to the East.
The address you have entered falls outside of the designated attendance areas.
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