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Student Services


In 91PORN¹Ù·½, we believe that all students can learn and that all students want to learn. 

The personnel in our student services unit play an integral role in collaborating with school staff to support students with learning, social/emotional, sensory, behavioural, physical, cognitive, adaptive, communication, and health-care needs to meet their full potential as learners and to flourish personally and socially. Built on a foundation of inclusion, our multi-disciplinary team of professionals assists school staff in providing services and programming to students and teachers through a continuum of supports and services and a framework for service delivery.


Parents and guardians who have questions or concerns about their child's functioning in school should first speak with their child's classroom teacher in order to develop a plan to address their concerns. The classroom teacher may consult with the school-based student services staff or problem-solving team for additional intervention strategies. 

School-based staff can access the divisional team members assigned to their school for support with programming. This support may include screening, consultation, specialized assessment, or ongoing program support. If a recommendation is made for specialized assessment or ongoing program support, a formal referral is completed by the school team and signed by the parents or guardians.


Every school in 91PORN¹Ù·½ has an assigned team of divisional student services staff to support the school team in providing appropriate educational programming for students.

Attendance Officer

Makes connections with students and their families in their homes. Investigates unexplained or unlawful absences as defined in The Public Schools Act.

Early Years Behaviour Coach

Supports students in kindergarten and Grade 1 with identified learning and behaving needs—and their families—through implementation of the FIRST STEP Next program.

Inclusion Teachers

Work with school staff to provide professional learning, classroom-based supports to teachers, and universal supports that promote inclusive practices with an emphasis on divisional priorities. Support school-to-community transition planning. Co-ordinate and supervise the divisional aquatics program.

Occupational Therapists

Provide consultation, screening, specialized assessment, and equipment, as well as recommend strategies and interventions for students experiencing fine motor, social/play, self-regulation, sensory-processing, adaptive skills, and/or accessibility needs. Provide professional learning and training for staff who support the students.


Provide consultation, screening, specialized assessment, and equipment, as well as recommend strategies and interventions for students experiencing gross motor, mobility, physical co-ordination, or muscle weakness needs. Provide professional learning and training for the staff who support the students.

Positive Behavioural Interventions & Supports (PBIS) Coaches

Work with school teams to develop, implement, and evaluate schoolwide PBIS in all schools. Provide professional learning to teachers.

School Psychologists

Provide consultation and specialized assessment, as well as recommend strategies and interventions for students experiencing cognitive, learning, behavioural, social-emotional, and mental health needs, including crisis response and threat assessment. Provide professional learning and training for the staff who support the students.

Reading Clinicians

Provide consultation, specialized assessment, professional learning, and resources for students experiencing difficulty with literacy development and the staff who support them. Co-ordinate the Reading Tutor Program for eligible students in Grades 6–8.

School Social Workers

Provide consultation, specialized assessment, and interventions for students and families experiencing social-emotional needs, family stressors, and/or community issues that impact school functioning. Provide crisis response, threat assessment, and professional learning for staff who support the students.

Speech Language Pathologists

Provide consultation, screening, and specialized assessment, recommend strategies and interventions, and facilitate access to speech-generating devices for students experiencing speech, language, and communication needs. Provide professional learning for the staff who support the students. Co-ordinate the Speech Language Development Program for eligible students in early years.

For more information about the services provided by our student services department, contact us at

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